
This Web Page is brought to you by the Oak Point Civic Association of Lake Limestone. The OPCA represents the homeowners and residents in the Oak Point Neighborhood on Lake Limestone in central Texas and is dedicated to enhancing our community through efforts that connect residents, protect community assets and enrich lives.

All homeowners and residents of the Oak Point Neighborhood are encouraged to join the OPCA in order to help advance this mission. Annual membership is $125.00 and all membership monies collected go directly to maintaining the Oak Point Boat Launch as well as to providing enrichment activities, safety equipment and training, social events, and neighborhood beautification. The OPCA is also concerned with providing our members with easy access to pertinent Oak Point information.

The OPCA also works closely with the residents and homeowners in Limestone Coves. Although Limestone Coves is not decreed an official part of the Oak Point Neighborhood, the homeowners in Limestone Coves are our closest neighbors and do have privileges to use the Oak Point Boat Launch (established through written agreement when these sub-divisions were formed).

The business year for the OPCA generally parallels the academic school year. Collection of membership fees for each year begins in August-September and culminates with the Annual Meeting of the full membership held the last Saturday in September.

Additional Important Links

Oak Point Neighborhood

Get to know your neighbors!

There are three separately defined sub-divisions that make up the Oak Point Neighborhood on Lake Limestone in Robertson County, TX. This comprehensive neighborhood is made up of the Oak Point, North Shores and Revised North Shores developments. These developments include all the homes and lots accessible from the south side of the “Oak Point” entrance sign.

Oak Point Boat Launch

Get yo'self in the lake.


The Oak Point Boat Launch is a private boat launch owned by the Oak Point Civic Association. Only homeowners in the Oak Point Neighborhood or adjoining Limestone Coves are authorized to use the boat launch. All others are subject to towing and fines. There is no parking allowed in the Oak Point Boat Launch area.

Enrichment Activities

Because we never stop growing.

The OPCA Board of Directors and the Enrichment Committee coordinate and offer opportunities for residents and homeowners to come together with the goal of growing, developing and learning.

Available Enrichment Activities and/or Groups Include:

  • An Oak Point Tiny Library is available near the neighborhood Bulletin Board. This free library is managed by the Lakeside Readers Book Club and is designed around the “take a book, leave a book” philosophy. Homeowners, residents, and visitors to the Oak Point area utilize the Tiny Library.
  • The Lakeside Readers Book Club, which meets on the fourth Thursday of most months. Lakeside Readers is facilitated by Barbara Casey and meets at the homes of different members for each meeting. For more information, please contact Barbara Casey by email or by phone.
  • There are plans in the future to bring even more enrichment activities to Oak Point. Some of these may include providing speakers on topics of interest (attendance would be free for OPCA members with a small charge for non-members), or offering more club or group activities such as a crafters guild or gardening exchange. Look for more information on these in coming months!

    Safety Equipment and Training

    When in doubt, call 911.

    The OPCA Board of Director’s and the Health and Safety Committee work jointly to offer neighborhood emergency medical equipment and training as well as to provide OPCA Members with resources regarding local emergency and health-related services.

    A neighborhood medical “cabinet” containing first aid equipment and an AED are available at 11634 Lakeshore Dr. (across from the Bulletin Board area).

    Residents can also attend local CPR training offered through the West Lake Limestone Volunteer Fire Department. Information regarding this training is available from Barbra Turkal by phone or by email. Certification for OPCA Members will be paid for out of OPCA funds, non-members must pay their own certification.

    Social Events

    Mark your calendars!

    Coming together to have fun, relax and enjoy each other’s company is an important element of community building. Please come out and join in with the activities and events offered by the OPCA Board and the OPCA Social Committee.

    On-going, “standing” social events are listed below:>

  • The Annual Independence Day Celebration and Craft Fair begins with a neighborhood parade (including decorated golf carts, tractors, bicycles, motorcycles, or other similar transportation) followed by a craft show (with activities for the kids!) and concludes with an exceptional firework display on the lake. This annual event is held on either the Saturday immediately proceeding or following July Fourth (depending on the year). Please check this Web Page, the Bulletin Board or your OPCA Meeting Notes for specifics. Click here for more craft fair information or to join us as a crafter!
  • A Holiday Progressive Dinner is enjoyed each year on the first Saturday in December. The locations, menus and activities change annually. Details can be found prior to the event on the Oak Point Bulletin Board, on this Web Page, or in OPCA Meeting Notes.
  • The OPCA Annual Meeting, held the last Saturday in September is not only a chance for all members to be involved with the OPCA Full Membership Meeting, but is also a great opportunity to socialize and enjoy the bond of friendship!
  • Other varied and changing social events and activities are offered periodically throughout the year. A list of scheduled events can be found by clicking below:

    Join Us For Upcoming Events

    Neighborhood Beautification

    Keeping Limestone stunning!!

    A small OPCA Neighborhood Beautification Committee, under the OPCA Board of Directors leadership structure, works hard each year with efforts to increase the beauty, peace and tranquility of the Oak Point Neighborhood. This group keeps the area around the Oak Point sign looking attractive, maintains the area around the Bulletin Board and Tiny Library as well as promotes beautification activities throughout the neighborhood.

    Access to Pertinent Information

    What you need to know.

    The OPCA Board of Directors is committed to trying to make information readily available to the Oak Point Neighborhood and especially to current OPCA Members. Some of the best sources for neighborhood news includes the Bulletin Board (located at the intersection of Pine Court and Lakeshore Dr.), OPCA Meeting Notes (sent out to current OPCA Members Only), and this Website.

    Limestone Coves

    We're thankful for our neighbors!

    The development immediately adjacent to the Oak Point Neighborhood is officially known as Limestone Coves. Limestone Coves through written agreement has been granted utilization rights to the Oak Point Boat Launch. In order to help support the Boat Launch, Limestone Coves homeowners are given the opportunity each year to contribute to the OPCA Boat Launch Maintenance and Improvement Fund and many of these homeowners support this cause. Thank you Limestone Coves for your support and assistance!