Get Involved Today


There are many opportunities to be involved in making the Oak Point Neighborhood a better place to live, visit, and enjoy! We hope each and every property owner/ resident will get and stay involved with the Oak Point Civic Association (OPCA). Your involvement with OPCA strengthens our organization and provides you with the opportunity to be actively engaged with friends and neighbors while also accomplishing something that betters the life and experiences of all property/home owners!

There are a variety of ways you can help out and we hope you will take advantage of at least one or two. You can…

  • … Be part of OPCA leadership by serving as a member of the Board of Director’s (BOD). The “B-O-D” is comprised of 5 – 6 elected members including a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 1-2 “Members-at-Large”. A new Board is selected each year at the OPCA Annual Meeting of the Full Membership held on the last Saturday in September. To be considered for a leadership position, please contact a current Board of Director’s member prior to the Annual Meeting in September. Most Boards serve as an informal “nominating committee” prior to each Annual Meeting and put together a proposed “roster of potential officers” to be voted on at the meeting. Additionally, nominations can be made from the floor so you can also either “self-nominate” or have someone else submit your name for nomination during the meeting.

  • … Help advance our social, enrichment, safety, beautification or boat launch efforts by Chairing one of the committees that lead these initiatives. Our Committee Chairs bring together those who are willing to help in order to plan and execute a variety of activities during the year. Reading about our Committee Structure will help you see what each of these committees do to better the Oak Point Neighborhood. Please contact any member of the current Board of Director’s if you are considering Chairing a Committee. They can provide you with more information. New Committee Chairs are identified at or before the Annual Meeting each year or if someone has to leave their position during the year.

  • … Serve on one of the committees that do some of the “tasking” throughout the year. When you review the Committee Structure information you will get a sense for what each of our committee’s actually do. This will also give you a chance to see what type of helping you would most enjoy. To volunteer to assist on a committee, you can either sign up to do so at the Annual Meeting or you can contact the Chair for that committee at any time during the year. You might even be interested in just helping with one particular activity or event that committee oversees during the year.